Voice Server




The Voice Server contains the primary information regarding the system. You will be able to configure and confirm the number of channels, ports and the path used by the UC server.

Field Description


You can modify each field of a Voice Server by double clicking the desired entry.

Name: Enter a short name for the Voice Server.

Description: Enter a short description for the Voice Server.

Master: Define whether this Voice Server is the Primary Voice Server.

Voice Channels: Enter the number of voice channels available in the system.

TTS Channels: Enter the number of text-to-speech channels available in the system.

ASR Channels: Enter the number of channels for auto-speech recognition available in the system.

Fax Enabled: Define whether this Voice Server has fax capabilities. This field is automatically enabled when the Voice Server detects that the fax services is enabled on startup.

Fax Channels: Enter the number of channels for fax available in the system.

Start Channel Number: Enter the channel at which this Voice Server begins to serve. For example, Voice Server 1 might be channels 1 to 20, so Voice Server 2, with a Start Channel Number of 21, would serve channels 21 to 40.

Start Fax Channel Number: Enter the fax channel at which this Voice Server begins to serve.

External IP: Enter the external IP of the Voice Server. This IP address is used when connecting to the admin remotely from an external computer.

Internal IP: Enter the internal IP of the Voice Server. This IP address is used when connecting to the admin remotely from another internal workstation.

TCP/IP Port: Enter the port which can be used by UM Monitor to check the status of the Messaging server. A value of 0 specifies the  default (which uses port 11000).

Path: Enter the installation directory path of the Voice Server (C:\UC by default).

Resiliency Channels: Enter the number of Resiliency (Redundancy) Channels available in the system.

Voice Verification Channels: Enter the number of Voice Verification Channels available in the system.

Advanced Field Description


Double-click on Advanced to access additional fields.

Warning: These fields should not be modified unless you are specifically instructed to do so by technical support staff. Changing these settings incorrectly could cause the system to fail.

List of Items

Absorb Inband Digits

Description: For Iwatsu/Panasonic switches, even though Messaging uses CTI or SMDI for integration, the switch still sends inband digits. The server must absorb these digits and dump them before going to greetings.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” means do not absorb the inband digits.

Activate Location Type Greeting

Description: Each location has three types of greeting: Default, Auto Location Name, and Location. If the user chooses the third option, there was no way in TUI to activate it. After recording the location greeting, the system automatically activated this greeting. In 2.0, there is no way in TUI to switch back to other types of greeting after this activation.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: default is “True” for OEM UCP; “False” for other OEMs

Add Extension for UM Advanced user

Description: For MITAI HCI Re-routing. Anytime the Admin adds a new extension, the MITAI should also add it to it’s own list to monitor. Currently we only add UM or Advanced users to the list. If this entry is “False”, don’t add the new extension to monitor list even if the mailbox is UM or Advanced user; if it’s “True”, add the new extension to monitor list if the mailbox is UM or Advanced user. But there is an exception here: the user can add a new extension through showshell to add to monitor list, in this case, this entry is ignored and the entry is added it to monitor list.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: False

Allow Non Numeric value in Caller ID Number

Description: For CTI Enabled systems, when a CTI Ring event arrives with the form “RING!108! abc!722” where 108 is the callee and “abc” is the caller, since “abc” is non-numeric, in most cases it is considered an invalid callerid and is reset to empty. If this registry is “True”, we allow non-numeric characters like “abc” as callerid. Otherwise, reset the callerid to “” if the caller info packet does not begin with a number.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: False

Allow Say Operator in CustMbx

Description: Allow the user to say operator to transfer to operator when he/she is in a Customized TUI

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” menus don’t allow say operator in Customized TUI

Auto Login

Description: Only used in SMDI integration. This was created to resolve an issue where the PBX flipped the callerID and mailbox info within the SMDI packet.

Values: “NOANSWER” means even if the CallerId is a mailbox profile, it plays the NoAnswer greeting of that mailbox. “BUSY” means even if the CallerId is in a mailbox profile, it plays the Busy greeting of that mailbox. “NO” means even if the CallerId is mailbox profile, it plays the Company greeting of that mailbox. “YES” or an empty string means if the CallerId is a mailbox profile, it goes to the login prompt.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: YES

Backup MITAI Audio log

Description: Backup MiAudio logs to subfolders during system restart.

Values: “False” don’t backup MiAudio log, “True” backup MiAudio log

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: True

BargeIn Blind Dial

Description: Blind dialing BargeIn code instead of supervised. For some PBX switches (i.e. Panasonic), the server may need to use blind dial only.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” means use supervised dialing

Busy Alternative System Greeting

Description: By default the system busy greeting is mess015.vox, but you can override it by specifying a full path file name as the system busy greeting.

Values: Full path of voice file name.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty means use the default system busy greeting mess015.vox.

Caller Mailbox DID Display

Description: Callee phone display shows either MailboxNum, DID, or CallerID depending on whether the callee is using an internal or external phone, as well as if DID of caller is defined or not. Generally:

Callee is internal phone – show Caller MailboxNo; If caller is not a mailbox, show callerID.

Callee is external phone – show DID defined in Caller Mailbox profile; if caller is not a mailbox, show callerID.

This functionality is only effective on supported switch platforms such as Mitel SIP Trunk.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” means don’t control callee’s phone display.

Cancel Transfer Wait Time

Description: For AASTRA M6501-RM, to dial the cancel transfer code with a single message doesn’t work. We have to dial the first digit of the code, wait, and then send the rest of the code. This setting will cause the server to dial the first digit of cancel transfer code, pause the amount of time defined in this registry entry and then send the rest of the code.

Values: Time in milliseconds

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 1000

Catch Exception

Description: Enabling catch unhandled exception from middleware (EEVoice/EESip…etc.).

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” means catch and log exceptions thrown from middleware.

Centrex OutCall Access Code

Description: For Centrex transfer, sometimes we need to dial the outcall access code plus the Centrex code, sometimes we don’t need to dial the outcall access code because the Centrex code itself already has the capability to dial out. “True” means dial OutCall Access code + Centrex code; “False” means dial Centrex code only.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: True

Clear Connection After Cancel Transfer

Description: Iwatsu SIP may have an issue canceling a transfer when the call is connected (but not CompleteTransfer yet). We need to use CTI to disconnect the callee.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” means don’t use CTI to clear the connection

CTI Answer Ring

Description: System will detect a ring from a CTI event if voice board is not detecting a ring. Usually happens on Brooktrout boards.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” for Brooktrout board, “False” for other boards

CTI DNIS for Inband

Description: Use DNIS information received through CTI instead of inband strings.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: For CTI systems the default is “True”. Otherwise default “False”

CTI Initialize Delay

Description: For a Panasonic CTI, after starting the voice system, there must be a delay of about 50 seconds before initializing the CTI service. Otherwise the system may hang during initialization.

Values: Delay length in seconds

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “50” for Panasonic CTI, means wait for 50 seconds before initializing CTI Service; “0” for other systems.

CTI MakeCall without Account Code

Description: When using CTI to make an outbound call, some switches do not support dialing the account code. It must be stripped off before dialing.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value:  “True” for TAPI CTI means send the account code, “False” for others will strip off account code.

CTI Monitor Hangup

Description: Originally we called StopThenHangup whenever we received a CTI event Hangup, Idle or Clear. But Iwatsu tried centrex transfer, after getting no answer and receiving back the call, the call was dropped because we got a CTI event “CLEAR”. But this event “CLEAR” is for another line for Centrex Transfer.

Values: “False” call StopThenHangup for CTI Event Hangup, Idle, or Clear; “True” means call StopThenHangup for these.

Effective: Immediately CTI events.

Default Value: False

CTI Record All

Description: Combines with FGroup.RecordAll to determine if the system should record all outbound calls.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” means don’t record all outbound calls.


Description: For CTI Enabled systems, we use SMDI for PBX integration for systems like MITAI, 3COM, and a Non-SMDI approach for other systems like IWATSU. Setting this entry to “True” will force IWATSU systems to use an SMDI approach.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” which means don’t use SMDI

Desktop Dial Supervised Transfer

Description: For iLink Pro Desktop outbound dial to a phone number, we can force it to use supervised transfer.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” meaning blind transfer if possible.

Dial String Alpha Remove

Description: When we get dialing strings from Windows TAPI in Russian, it returns an extra char “W” in the return string such as 8W5017079700, we should remove this wrong character.

Values: Any characters needs to be removed

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Ww. Lower or Upper case char “w” will be removed from dialing string returned from TAPI.

Direct Call Ask FindMe

Description: If a user’s location is configured to Auto FindMe and the internal extension is on the current location extension list, call directly to the internal extension with Busy/NoAnswer forward to VMail port, the system can choose to Ask the user to Findme or just go straight to Voicemail. If the registry = “0”, goto VoiceMail after NoAns/Busy. If = “1”, Ask to Findme after NoAns/Busy If = “2”, System automatically try other phone numbers on the list.

Values: 0 or 1 or 2

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 2

Direct Dial paging

Description: Determines if the system will use direct dial instead of transfer functions, this is needed by 3Com Super Stack 3.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” for 3Com TAPI Super Stack 3, “False” for other cases.

Direct Paging Channels

Description: Determines the channels used for direct dial paging.

Values: List channels with comma or hyphen delimiter. (1,3,4, 6-9)

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty means all channels will be used.

Disable Caller Name Resolution

Description: For a given caller number, we can find matching items in contacts or a mailbox list so that we can put corresponding name on screen display, message envelope, etc. This setting controls how to resolve the name.

Values: 0 -- search contact and mailbox lists.

1 – Don’t search mailbox

2 – Don’t search contacts

3 – Don’t search contacts or mailbox

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 0 means search contacts and mailbox.

Disable Slave Server

Description: If the Consolidated server is down, DBWatcher will notify the Secondary server, VServer will check if the Primary is Up by checking the TCP connection. If it detects the Primary is up, it will disable all Secondary channels to make only the Primary operational so that all messages will be routed to the Primary to avoid synchronization issues.

Values: “False” means don’t disable Secondaries when the Consolidated is down, “True” means disable Secondaries when the Consolidated is down.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” for VTI, “False” for others.

Discard Fax DID

Description: Discard Fax DID for faxmail, using our own internal memory variable faxmessage.extto to recover. It’s useful for some hardware fax board environments where the DTMF of MbxID does not reliably pass through from voice channels to fax channels, we can use vserver internal memory to remember the MbxID.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value:  “False” meaning don’t discard fax DID.

Dnic Mitel Inband

Description: Dialogic has its own logic processing PBX integration for Dnic Mitel which translates the display to Inband code. It has some issues and Avaya has implemented its own logic which will display directly and parse it.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” which means do not use Dialogic inband.

Dnic Mitel Trunk Name Terminator

Description: For older SX200, usually the display is “T117 is calling” where T117 is the trunk. But sometimes there is no “is calling” string as the terminator to extract trunk information. For example:an external call "T117 TIME 00:01" where T117 is trunk name, we need to know TIME is the terminator so that we can extract "T117" out as trunk name.

Values: Any String as the terminator

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty which means the whole display is the trunk if “is calling” doesn’t show

DNIS Digit Length for Multiple Companies

Description: This registry works together with the previous registry “DNIS Multiple Companies”. It defines the maximum length of DNIS numbers to be used to judge which company takes the call.

Values: Digit Length

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 4

DNIS Multiple Companies

Description: When activated, the system will use DNIS information to separate multiple companies. To configure, enter the DNIS information under the C.O. Assignment field in the Channel Assignment window of the company.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” don’t use DNIS numbers to judge company.

Do Task Interval

Description: This will determine the amount of time between tasks. Values are entered in milliseconds.

Values: Time in milliseconds

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 1500

Duplicate Call History Interval

Description: In order to prevent duplicate entries in the call history, we can set an interval where any calls with the same name and number will be entered only as a single entry.

Values: number of seconds for interval

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 50

Dynamic SMDI Digits

Description: For standard SMDI packets, the digits for a called number are usually of fixed length. But some variations may have dynamic length for calling and called number

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: False

Express VoiceMail Mailbox First Digit Match

Description: When activated, the digit entered in a voice menu for the action express voice mail stays as the first digit in the mailbox.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value:  ”False” which means it is activated.

Extensions with Dedicated CTI Log

Description: Comma delimited extension list who will have dedicated CTI log for easier analysis such as: CTI#20100706[4330].log, CTI#20100706[4331]…,etc.

Values: Comma delimited extension numbers.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty.

External Phone Log in

Description: User calls the system from a cell phone and wants to be automatically logged in.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” which means don’t login.

Fax Handshake Delay

Description: For faxmail, whenever a supervised transfer to a fax port is connected, pause the amount of time defined in this entry and wait for the fax port to send the handshake string *, and then complete the transfer.

Values: Delay in milliseconds

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 3000

Fax Tone Mode

Description: The number of fax tones that must heard before taking action on that tone.

Values: Number of tones

Effective: After Restart

Default Value: 1

Fax Tone Work Around

Description: When a fax is detected, Voice server can specify in the registry how many tones have to be heard before taking action on that tone. Due to a Dialogic problem, sometimes the board sends a channel stop event instead of a Fax Tone event after a couple fax tones and stops fax detection. This key determines whether or not to activate the work-around: Whenever a fax tone is detected, flag a global variable for that channel, any channel stop event after that which is not issued by the application will be considered as fax tone and the application will take the appropriate action for that fax tone.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” which means use the work around

FaxMail Blind Transfer

Description: When activated, the system will do a blind transfer to a fax port instead of a supervised transfer.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” which means do a supervised transfer. “True” for SIP which means blind transfer.

FGroups Listening Expired Messages

Description: Comma delimited Feature Group Numbers which are allowed to listen to expired messages.

Values: Comma delimited FeatureGroup numbers.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty

Flush log right away

Description: In order to capture logs in real time this key must be activated.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” which means do not flush logs right away.

Force External Trombone Transfer

Description: When activated, this options forces all external transfers to be trombone transfers.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” for Iwatsu ECS SIP system; “False” for any other systems.

Force Internal Trombone Transfer

Description: When activated, the system will force all internal transfers to be trombone transfers.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: False

Force Replace CallerName

Description: When Caller Name comes from switch, we may choose to replace it with the name on the Mailbox/Contact for Screen pop or Message envelope. “True” means always take the name on Mailbox/Contact for the screen pop or envelope. Otherwise, take the mailbox/contact name only when the caller name from the switch is empty.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: False

Free format digit allow POUND in middle

Description: For free format dialing, ‘#’ can be treated as a termination key or just part of the phone number.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” which means pound is a termination key.

Free format digit minimum length

Description: Minimum digit length needed for system to switch to free format dialing.

Values: Digit length

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 2

Free Format Trombone Transfer

Description: This determines if we need to do a trombone (supervised) transfer when doing a free format transfer.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” for Mitel and “False” for others. “True” means do a trombone transfer.

Hangup InterDigit Delay

Description: The AASTRA M6501-RM sends DTMF digits to the voice server to indicate a call hangup. For example, M6501-RM sends A6 to the voice server to indicate a hangup. This registry indicates the maximum delay between the Hangup DTMF digits. If it’s more than defined value, the voice server will not consider it a hangup situation.

Values: Time in milliseconds

Effective: After Readparms

Default Value: 300

Ignore Digit Caller Name

Description: If caller name is all numeric, make it empty.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” meaning ignore pure digit caller names.

Ignore Unavailable Greeting

Description: We introduced Unavailable greeting in 2.0 in addition to NoAnswer/Busy greeting, Some customers don’t want it to allow backwards compatibility with ver 1.x. Setting to “True” will not play the Unavailable greeting. Instead the NoAnswer greeting will be played in case location status is Unavailable.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” which means play unavailable greeting

IMAP Sync Mode

Description: Open IMAP Session synchronously or asynchronously. Generally it should be Synchronously since vServer cannot use block function.

Values: YES or NO

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: NO meaning open IMAP session asynchronously.

Inband First E as extension

Description: Used when we receive more than one extension in inband patterns.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” which means use the first ‘E’ as extension

Integration Remove Leading Zero

Description: Removes leading zero of extensions in integrations.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” means remove leading zero of extensions

Internal Extension Longer than External

Description: At some sites, the length of an internal extension might be longer than an external number.
The PBX Setting > ExtensionLength cannot be used in this case. Instead, use the pattern or presence in the mailbox internal address list to decide.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” for systems that have internal extensions that are longer than external number, “False” for others.

Internal Extension Pattern

Description: It’s combined with setting “Internal Extension Longer than External“ to judge whether a number is internal or external.  This is a comma delimited string (i.e. 701,702,703).   Phone numbers such as 7011234567, 7021234567, 7031234567 are treated as internal phone numbers even though the length is 10 digits.

Values: Comma delimited prefixed of internal extension.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty

ISDN Multiple D Channel Message Light

Description: The system can support multiple D Channels to control message lights on ISDN systems.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: True

IVR Call Back Channels

Description: Iwatsu asked Voice server to provide the ability for IVR ActiveX to call back to Voice server to initiate tasks like Reminder Out call, WakeUp Call, MWI …etc. Since we don’t want to change Admin, use this registry instead

Values: List of channels to be used.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: All channels will be used.

IVR Call Back Object

Description: Iwatsu asked Voice server to provide the ability for IVR ActiveX to call back to Voice server to initiate tasks like Reminder Out call, WakeUp Call, MWI …etc. Since we don’t want to change Admin, use this registry instead

Values: The callback object name

Effective: After restart

Default Value: TestDB.clsIVRCallBack

IVR Call Back Object IP

Description: Iwatsu asked Voice server to provide the ability for IVR ActiveX to call back to Voice server to initiate tasks like Reminder Out call, WakeUp Call, MWI …etc. Since we don’t want to change Admin, use this registry instead

Values: The IP address

Effective: After restart

Default Value: Empty which means use local IP

LAN Call Dial Pause milliseconds

Description: When using iLink Pro Desktop to dial and you are not using a CTI enabled extension, you can pause the dial to final extension.

Values: Time in milliseconds

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 500 milliseconds

Last Event For OutCall

Description: This determines the last event on the channel before it is considered available for Outcall.

Values: Event Code number

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty, which means do not use the last event function.

Local Print Message

Description: We can choose to use either the Voice Server or the ReorgHelper components to print fax/email messages to printer.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” which means to use voice server to print.

Long Digit for CTI PlaceCall

Description: A T1 Aastra does not  support more than 20 digits CTI PlaceCall.

Values: Number

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 0

Message Count INI File Name

Description: This is a feature requested by a customer where the MWI information is copied into an INI file instead of Dial/SMDI/CTI to switch. Another application then picks up the information from the INI and lights the phones. The information in the INI is in the following format for example:

[Message Count Company 1]

Mailbox 1000=3/25V:0/10F:5/35E

Meaning: Mailbox 1000 has -- 3 unread voice mails, and 25 read voice mails; 0 unread faxes, 10 read faxes; 5 unread emails, 35 read emails. In order for this feature to work, MWI light On/Off code should be “INI”. And user can put the INI full path file name in the registry.

Values: Full path file name of the INI file such as “C:\Windows\MsgCount.ini”.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: UC product path\MsgCount.ini.

Message Subject without Extension

Description: In order to provide privacy, you can set this to not include extension numbers in messages from internal users.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” means show extension number on subject

Message Volume Scale

Description: For Dialogic E1 systems, the default volume of messages may be very low. This entry is used to adjust it.

Values: From -4 to 4

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 0

Military Time

Description: Determines if the system will use military time (24-hour).

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” which means do not use military time, 12-hour

Mitel CallerID Flip

Description: An issue with Dnic Mitel systems where the callerid after offhook is different than before offhook (which is VM port most case). Use this entry to take the callerid after offhook.

Values: “True” means take after offhook callerid, “False” means take the before offhook callerid.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: True

NoAnswer Alternative System Greeting

Description: By default the system no answer greeting is mess034.vox, but you can override it by specifying a full path file name as the system busy greeting.

Values: Full path of voice file name.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty means use the default system no answer greeting mess034.vox.

No CTI MakeCall Extensions

Description: CTI Place call is supported or not.

Values: Empty means support CTI place call; Non-Empty string means do not support CTI place call.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty

No Message For Tutorial ON

Description: Don’t receive messages when tutorial is still on.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” meaning allow receiving messages while tutorial is on.

Only Supervised Trombone Transfer

Description: Determines if the system only supports trombone as supervised transfer so that it can do pre-ring popup instead of CTI Ring popup.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” for Dialogic T1, ISDN, Diva ISDN which means trombone is the only way to do supervised transfer; “False” for others

Optional Arguments for Fax Gateway

Description: For third-party fax server integration like VSI, voice server just executes a DOS command line to send the fax to the VSI server. This registry defines the extra command line arguments to include.

Values: Complete argument

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty

Other Valid Phone Digits

Description: Dnic Lucent sent CallerId including hyphen “-“, but our logic only supported digit as valid CallerId. This registry string will solve the problem. It’s implemented in none-Mitel OEM version. This registry contains characters that are valid phone number even though they may not be numeric characters for PBX integration purposes. Any phone numbers coming from PBX integration data packet that include the characters defined in this registry will be valid phone numbers.

Values: We can define multiple characters delimited by ^. For example,  -^ ^(^) means hyphen-, space, brackets can be valid phone number.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty

Pause Between Customized TUI phrases

Description: Pause around 800ms between each segmented phrases in Customized TUI.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: default is “True” for OEM Voice Mobility which means pause 800ms between phrases in Customized TUI; “False” for other OEMs

Pause Outcall Task

Description: We introduced a new outcall task TASK_CUSTOMOUTCALL (56) for out dialing. It is similar to the OutCall feature in 2.1. This registry temporarily Pauses processing the task. It is usually set by a separate GUI utility. We can write our own GUI application to set this registry to Pause or continue processing Outcall tasks.

Values: “False” don’t Pause. “True” Pause

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: False

PBX Record End Code

Description: For AASTRA M6501-RM, the phone set can ask voice server to record conversations by pressing a special button. Usually it’s inband call, and user can pause, resume, and end the recording. If this registry is not empty, it means the system supports record conversation from the phone set and the code defined here is for terminating the recording.

Values: Example: “B34E#”, where the E is the phone extension number the initiated the command. For example, if extension 2007 wants to terminate recording, it sends “B342007#”

Effective: After Readparms

Default Value: If the PBX is AASTRA M6501-RM(Model ID 154), default is “B34E#”; otherwise default is empty

PBX Record Pause Code

Description: For AASTRA M6501-RM, the phone set can ask voice server to record a conversations by pressing a special button. Usually it’s inband call, and user can pause, resume, and end the recording. If this registry is not empty, it means the system supports record conversation from the phone set and the code defined here is for pausing the recording.

Values: Example: “B32E#”, where the E is the phone extension number who initiates the command. For example, if extension 2007 wants to pause recording, it sends “B322007#”

Effective: After Readparms

Default Value: If the PBX is AASTRA M6501-RM(Model ID 154), default is “B32E#”; otherwise default is empty

PBX Record Restart Code

Description: For AASTRA M6501-RM, the phone set can ask voice server to record a conversation by pressing a special button. Usually it’s inband call, and user can pause, resume, and end the recording. If this registry is not empty, means the system supports record conversation from the phone set and the code defined here is for resuming the record after a Pause.

Values: Example: “B33E#”, where the E is the phone extension number who initiates the command. For example, if extension 2007 wants to resume recording, it sends “B332007#”

Effective: After Readparms

Default Value: If the PBX is AASTRA M6501-RM(Model ID 154), default is “B33E#”; otherwise default is empty

Performance Average Counter

Description: We’ve found a performance bottleneck in Voice server and we introduced some logic to measure the execution time of particular code blocks. For example, to measure each state execution time, we calculate the average execution time for a particular code block. This entry determines how many times to measure block execution before calculating the average.

Values: number of code blocks

Effective: After Readparms

Default Value: 30

Play Message Delay

Description: This is a delay on call progress tones, the value is in ms.

Values: Delay in milliseconds

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 0

Play Message Type

Description: When a mailbox logs into Customized TUI, the system always plays message count for each type (Voice/Email/Fax) which could be lengthy. Some customers want to play only one or two of the types. The value is bitwise addable: 1 – Voice, 2-Email, 4-Fax. So 7 (1+2+4) means play message count for each type as before.

Values: “1, “2”, “4” or addition of them

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 7 which means play all 3 types

Play Name before Requesting Password

Description: When a user calls their mailbox, they are prompted to enter their password.  This field determines if their full name (First and Last) is included in the prompt.  For example, “John Smith, please enter your password.”

Values: “False” (don’t play name) or “True” (play name)

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” means do not play the user’s name


Pop External Only

Description: For CTI Enabled systems, whenever a CTI Ring event occurs, system pops up UM Client Manager indicating new call coming. This entry can disable the popup for the call comes from internal extension. Especially used for direct call between internal extensions. If this registry is “True”, system won’t popup if the caller is internal extension. If “False”, popup even it comes from internal extension.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: False

Print to default fax machine directly

Description: In a Customized TUI print fax action, the system by default asks the user to choose between printing fax to default machine or entering a specific fax phone number to send to. Some customers want to simplify the process to print straight to default fax machine. Setting to “True” means always print fax to default fax machine.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: False

Program phone when Empty HuntGroup

Description: When activated, users phone will be set to DND when ever their status changes to Unavailable. Setting to “True” means set the phone to DND whenever user status changes to Unavailable even though FGroup->HuntGroup is empty

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False”, don’t turn on DND when status changes to Unavailable in case FGroup->HuntGroup is empty

Proxy Transfer Number As Is

Description: Dialing from Tandberg or Polycomm or Softphone, it can be dial as is, which means caller has to manually add any outcall access code, account code, long distance code, etc.; while if it’s not dial as is, caller enters phone number and system will generate a dialable string.

Values: “True” means dial as is; “False” means user just put phone number.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: True

Record Hangup Delay

Description: When hangup during recording, delay this amount of seconds before set on hook.

Values: Number of seconds

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 0 meaning immediately set on hook

Recover Message Light

Description: Some PBXs automatically turn off message light during login even though there are still unread messages. This registry will ensure we double check Messages and FGroup settings and recover the message light status when user goes out of Customized TUI

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” means doesn’t recover message light

Remove Outcall Access Code

Description: For dialing history, we can remove the outcall access code since it’s not part of phone number.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” which mean remove the access code in dial history.

Replace CallerId Name By DNIS Number

Description: For some customers on some switches, user needs the DNIS number to be displayed as Caller Name.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” which mean do not replace the caller name with DNIS

RightFax Password

Description: Credentials for VServer to login to the RightFax server.

Values: User Password for RightFax

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty

RightFax ServerName

Description: For third party RightFax, we need to provide its Server Name.

Values: Right Fax Server Name

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty

RightFax Use NTAuthentication

Description: We can use the Windows NT account to login to a RightFax Server.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” means not using NT account for RightFax server

RightFax UserId

Description: Credentials for VServer to login to RightFax server.

Values: User account for RightFax Server

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty

Route Priority

Description: For routing table in old logic, DNIS always had priority over CALLERID, which means if the system got a DNIS number defined in the routing table, it will take the matched entry in the table even though the CallerID may also be defined in the table. This entry changes the situation by allowing the user to choose CallerID over DNIS, as well as only “CallID” or “DNIS” or even if no matching entries are found when searching in routing table.

Values: “DNIS,CALLERID” or “CALLERID,DNIS” or “CALLERID” or “DNIS” or just Empty

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “DNIS,CALLERID”

Second Fax Tone

Description: Most Dialogic boards use standard fax tone definitions to detect fax tone. But on some switches/boards, it generates false fax tone detection (very rare). This registry selects an alternate tone definition to avoid false detections.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” which means use standard tone definitions

Simple Tutorial

Description: This will determine if the tutorial will include all greetings or just name and personal greeting.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” which means do full tutorial.

SIP Mixed Integration

Description: SIP may need inband, CTI, and SMDI together to get complete integration information especially for CallerId information.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” means don’t used mixed source to get integration information.

Slow States Counter

Description: We’ve found a performance bottleneck in Voice server and introduced some logic to measure the execution time of particular code blocks. For example, to measure each state execution time, we log some top slow states. This registry determines how many slow states we should log.

Values: Number of states

Effective: After Readparms

Default Value: 10

SMDI Aging

Description: SMDI packets come from serial ports which can be out of sync with voice channel calls especially for busy systems. Sometimes the packet in the memory may be for previous call instead of the current call. We may need to wait several seconds for new packet to update the memory before processing the PBX integration parser.

Values: Number of seconds to wait

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 3

SMDI Packet Reading Way

Description: We implemented different ways to read SMDI packets. 0 is optimized. All other values use methods which are not as good.

Values: 0 for optimum performance. Other values are not recommended.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 0

SMDI Serial Device Index For PBXNode

Node numbers must be assigned sequentially starting with 1 (e.g. 1 2 3 4...).

Description: -1 > Force MWI Output to broadcast to all SMDI Serial devices

Empty > Default, matching the sequencing number of PBXNode and SerialDevice in the database

Comma delimited sequence > e.g: 0,2,1 means

                                       First PBXNode - SerialDevice 0

                                       Second PBXNode - SerialDevice 2

                                       Third PBXNode - SerialDevice 1

Values: ---

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty

SMDI Service Terminator

Description: Termination character for PEX Service.

Values: ASCII code

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 127 means ASCII code 127

SMDI Terminator

Description: For standard SMDI packets, there is always an ASCII code 25 character at the end. Some variations may define other ASCII codes as the termination character such as 10.

Values: “25”, “10” or any ASCII codes that apply.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 25

Softkey Customized Menu Name

Description: Comma delimited customized menu name list supporting softkey (Iwatsu only).

Values: ---

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty

Standby If Not in Notification Channel Range

Description: In HA systems, if this setting value is “True”, vserver will check if its channel range is within notification port range of first company; if not within range, then don't connect to UMST which will make tVServer.VSActive = False, and all the outbound tasks won't be generated into this vserver.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: False

Star Stop Greeting

Description: During playing mailbox greeting, pressing STAR will hangup the call by default. Aastra wants to terminate the greeting and go straight to record message.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” for OEM UCP; “False” for other OEMs.

Start System Delay

Description: For Aculab, system needs to wait for the Aculab firmware start up.

Values: Delay time in seconds

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 120

Start up Delay

Description: Delay in seconds to initialize EEAM instance. Used to be for 1.x EEAM.exe. Ver 2.0 doesn’t need the delay.

Values: in seconds

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 0 means no delay to initialize EEAM

StayUp Date Time

Description: Works together with setting “Disable Slave Server”. In case HA Consolidated server is down, we usually shutdown Secondary Server, this StayUp DateTime allows the Secondary to keep running till this Date/Time.

Values: Date/Time such as: 6/26/2010 5:10:05 PM

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty. If “Disable Slave Server” is set to 1, this setting has to be set to valid date/time.

Take CallerName from SIP Integration

Description: Sometimes integration is not from SIP (e.g: Inband,etc.), but we still take CallerName from SIP.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” meaning don’t take CallerName from SIP.

Task Number

Description: How many tasks to read at once from EEAM.

Values: Number

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 20

Transfer Proxy

Description: For Tandberg or Polycomm systems, vserver needs to behave as a switch to bridge between regular switch and Tandberg/Polycomm.  This setting controls whether to support it or not.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” for SIP with Multiple PBX Nodes.  “False” for others

Trim Digit Length

Description: The amount of time in ms, that the system will trim from end of recordings if the record was terminated by digits.

Values: Time in milliseconds

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 0

Unavailable Alternative System Greeting

Description: By default the system unavailable greeting is mess2790.vox, but you can override it by specifying a full path file name as system unavailable greeting.

Values: Full path of voice file name.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: Empty means using default system unavailable greeting mess2790.vox.

Unique Temp Record File

Description: Usually when vserver records a message, it is put in a temporary file named after the channel number such as  temp1.msg, temp2.msg,etc. We experienced an issue with Dialogic systems there the file is locked even after finished recording, which prevents next record session on same channel from recording.  With this set to 1,  we create a new unique file name every session to prevent the lock.

Values: 0 means not using unique temp record file; 1 means using unique temp record file.

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 0

Use EEAM Helper

Description: This determines if the system uses EEAM Helper.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” which means use EEAM Helper.

Use Local COM MWI

Description: Choose to use VServer to send MWI from local machine COM port versus sending from PEXService.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” means use VServer to send MWI

Use Local LAP

Description: Choose to user VServer to send LAP from local machine COM port versus sending from PEXService.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” means use VServer to send LAP

Use Local SMDI

Description: We can choose to use Voice Server(local) to parse SMDI information or a separate PexService(remote) to parse.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” means use Voice Server to parse SMDI packet

Use MakeCall

Description: Outbound call involves two steps: OffHook and Dial. This may cause collision when there is an incoming call at the same time. MakeCall combines these two steps to avoid collisions.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” for VTI system which means use one-step MakeCall; “False” for other systems.

Use Menu Cache

Description: Determines if the system caches certain functions like voice menus, customized mailboxes and keymapping.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” which means read the menus in cache.

Voice Menu Get Transfer Type

Description: For voice menu action “Send to Phone Number”, determines whether this is a supervised or blind transfer. “False” means supervised transfer; “True” means blind transfer.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” for OEM Mitel(supervised); “True” for other OEMs(blind)

Voice Menu Special Record Conversation

Description: For Nortel switches, during phone conversations the user can press a special “Record” button which initiates a new call to VM port with Inband information of NoAnswer of a phantom mailbox. A voice menu with default action Record Conversation should be already attached with this phantom mailbox and the new incoming will come to this menu and start recording the   conversation.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “False” means don’t do this special record conversation. It should do regular transfer and complete conference.

VM Port Minimum Length

Description: It’s for Ericsson SMDI integration systems. When parsing voicemail port extension from SMDI packet, we take the minimum length between this setting and voice port definition in Admin PBX Settings.

Values: Numeric value start from 1

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 1 means minimum VM port length is 1

Wakeup call retries

Description: Determines how many times to retry dial wakeup extension in case NoAnswer/Busy

Values: Number of retries

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: 3

Web Report EEAM Helper

Description: This determines if we use EEAM Helper for web report functions.

Values: False or True

Effective: Immediately

Default Value: “True” means use EEAM Helper.

Adding a New Voice Server


Name: Enter a short name for the Voice Server.

Description: Enter a short description for the Voice Server.

ASR Channels: Enter the number of channels for auto-speech recognition available in the system.

TTS Channels: Enter the number of text-to-speech channels available in the system.

Voice Channels: Enter the number of voice channels available in the system.

Voice Verification Channels: Enter the number of Voice Verification Channels available in the system.

Resiliency Channels: Enter the number of Resiliency (Redundancy) Channels available in the system.

Start Channel Number: Enter the channel at which this Voice Server begins to serve. For example, Voice Server 1 might be channels 1 to 20, while Voice Server 2, with a Start Channel Number of 21, would serve channels 21 to 40.

Start Fax Channel Number: Enter the fax channel at which this Voice Server begins to serve.

Internal IP: Enter the internal IP of the Voice Server. This IP address is used when connecting to the admin remotely from another internal workstation.

External IP: Enter the external IP of the Voice Server. This IP address is used when connecting to the admin remotely from an external computer.

TCP/IP Port: Enter the port that the Voice Server will use for TCP/IP communication.

Master: Enable this checkbox if the Voice Server is Voice Server 1. The Primary Voice Server is always Voice Server one.

Fax Enabled: This checkbox is automatically enabled when the Voice Server detects that the fax services is enabled on startup.